What Your Hairstyle Says About Your Personality

What Your Hairstyle Says About Your Personality

Long, short, curly or purple, hair says a lot about your personality. While not it is not always correct to judge a book by its cover hair style gives non-verbal clues to who you are and applies to both men and women yet with different interpretations.

Women place a great amount of importance on their hairstyles. It is the one physical trait that can be easily changed without major sacrifice such as dieting. Short or cropped hairstyles on a woman is perceived as confidence if they are slender or fit. Straight hair is perceived as being more formal and business like especially if cut above the shoulders while longer loose hair indicates a less professional manner in the male dominant business world. Short hair also means you don’t like to waste time on your hair, leaving more time for other things.

Curly and wavy hair means you are fun loving, that is why a person with curly hair is often not taken very seriously, yet those with thick and wavy hair are considered creative, while thick hair alone shows you have strong will power.

Those with straight hair who curl it mean they crave more adventure in their lives while those with curly hair who straighten it want a less chaotic life giving you more calmness and control. Long wash-and-go styles give the perception of being more in touch with your feelings akin to hippy style but medium length wash-and-go style makes you a logical thinker.

High maintenance hair indicates you are self-critical and a drama queen. Every hair has to be perfectly in line shows a fussiness and superficial focus on life. The other side of the coin is those who throw their hair into sloppy pony-tails or braids show they put everyone else’s needs before their own.

Asymmetrical hair styles shows a woman as being more fun, adventurous and a go-getter like someone with a blunt cut. The blunt cuts show a person who is direct and to the point, not a time waster. Those who choose bald or shaved heads are romantics.

The choice of color also speaks about your personality. Blondes receive more attention but are considered less intelligent while brunettes are considered mysterious. Currently, going natural and letting the grey through is trending which shows confidence and self-security in the face of an age discriminate society. Bright colored dyed hair shows either rebellion or a need for attention. Natural red-heads are placed in the fiery category while dyed red-heads are considered attention seekers.

Hair accessories such as weaves, extensions, ribbons or bands shows you are not afraid of change and like the ability to express yourself beyond physical hair.

Our hair styles give a glimpse into the personality behind the style. If you are feeling the need for a change it is simply a matter of going to the salon to find a new way to express yourself. A woman will change her hairstyle many times during her life that can be signs of her ever evolving personality and focus in life.

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